5 Artists,1 Love Opens With a Warm Welcome

The Art Gallery of Alberta is the host of one of the most anticipated events that is a part of Black History Month in Edmonton.

5Artists, 1 Love kicked-off on Feb 2 and will remain open to the public until March 1. The small exhibit in the lower level of Edmonton's glossy gallery is a modest display of five established visual artists, who selected handfuls of samples to display for Edmonton art enthusiasts. The opening reception was a warm and inviting space for locals to come and meet the artists, while enjoying music, spoken word performances, and delectable treats. The space was intimate, steeped in camaraderie and a mutual appreciation for supporting local talent.

Singer-songwriter Nuela Charles brought down the house with a powerful performance that included her acoustic guitar and a goose bumps-enducing voice. This woman is someone to watch and I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for other local performances she may headline in the future. 

Spoken word performers included Ahlam Sadik and Saida Barre. Both poets were brave and bold in their delivery, but Barre made a particular connection with the crowd when the weight of her words triggered a nerve and she broke down in tears, taking purposeful pauses mid-poem in order to regain her composure. The audience countered her vulnerability with loud snaps and hollers of encouragement. It was everything that spoken word is meant to be, a reflection of both heart and soul. 

The featured artists include, Pamela Parker, Philip Risby, Lorien Maheu, Melissa Ayenfisu and Blanche Thompson.

Spend an afternoon away from the television, and take a friend or family member to this exhibit. Even if art isn't typically 'your thing', you will appreciate the fresh air and the magnificence that is the AGA (that building is gorgeous).

Below are photos from the opening reception.

Jaimie Spurgeon enjoys the goodies
Saida Barre
Philip Risby, Artist
                                  Erin David-a lovely attendee who knows how to dress

Pamela Parker, Artist

Nuela Charles

Black History Month Kicks-Off in Edmonton

Okay, I am going to be completely honest with you. I am a 29-year-old, black woman who has lived in Edmonton for most of her life. I am incredibly proud of my heritage and take black history month (BHM) very seriously. To me, it is an officially marked time frame where awareness around the rich history and heritage of blacks is centre stage. That being said, I have never taken the time to participate in a formal black history event in my home-city. I am not sure why. Perhaps I have never made the extra effort to seek out the date and time of the events, or maybe life gets in the way and I miss out on a scheduled gathering because of work, school, family, friends, etc. I suppose if I thought long enough I would have a lengthy list of excuses/reasons for my absences that are similar to anyone else with a life that inevitably has countless commitments.

 This year is different. Even though I, along with countless other black-Canadians, hold this time of year close to our hearts--regardless of our visibility--I have made a commitment to attend at least a few of the scheduled events for black history month in Alberta's capital. I will always defend the idea that the loudest and most visible don't always equate to the biggest supporters. A stoic and reserved cheerleader can often be equally as powerful. However, as someone who believes wholeheartedly in the arts, supporting locals and sharing our stories as a community, to not be physically present at the celebrations and witness the talent, support and pride that beams from the black community of this city would be a disservice to so many, too many.

 With that, I encourage all of my fellow wallflowers to break routine and get out to an event celebrating this amazing month. A complete list of events that will take place around the city throughout the month of February is at www.nbccedmonton.ca. Keep checking back for more BHM coverage on Dare to Glare.

Below are some of the performers that were featured at the 2013 Black History Month opening ceremonies that took place at West Edmonton Mall today.